Reading Group Center

Philosophy of Life: The Keen Observations of Isabel Dalhousie

Any fan of Alexander McCall Smith’s beloved No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency series is certainly familiar with the warmth and wisdom of its star character, Precious Ramotswe, but the keen observations don’t end there. In the Isabel Dalhousie series, readers can follow the adventures of amateur philosopher Isabel Dalhousie as she applies her own mix of intelligence and empathy to solving the ethically complex matters of life.

In this latest installment, Isabel is once again proving herself “a force to be reckoned with” (USA Today). She takes on some much-needed help—both at work and at home—but the assistance comes with a host of challenges. Meanwhile, Isabel must also navigate tricky territory with a new acquaintance—the mother of her son’s schoolyard friend.

To celebrate the new hardcover release, we’ve collected a few of Isabel’s most astute observations from The Quiet Side of Passion. Right-click on the images below to save and share them on your social channels with other book lovers!