Reading Group Center

Our 2010 Favorites: The Angel's Game

To celebrate the close of this year and the beginning of the next, we’ve decided to take a look back at our reading family’s personal favorites of 2010. Enjoy!

Carlos Ruiz Zafón’s The Angel’s Game is a trip into a Barcelona you probably couldn’t visit even if you could afford it (Which is to say that most of my writerly friends don’t live in abandoned mansions in Spain). With a plot chock-full of intrigue and suspense in a gothic city full of shadows and secrets, Ruiz Zafón’s writing made my visit to this world feel visceral and real. Plus, the Spainish setting makes it a good excuse to have tapas at you book club meeting.

It’s worth reading in the original Spanish, if you can, but if not, the English translation is certainly no less satisfying. If you do read this in Spanish and want to read more of his work, check out La Sombra del Viento (The Shadow of the Wind). You won’t be disappointed.

–Vanessa L., Vintage Español

Click here for a Reading Group Guide.
Click here to read an excerpt.
Click here to buy the book.
– …And click here to buy the book in Spanish!

Was there a particular book that you or your reading group couldn’t stop discussing this year? Let us know in the comments!