Marie Ponsot's "A Rune, Interminable"

Marie Ponsot, who turns 91 this month, still treads with sprightly step as she delivers her incomparable wisdom.

A Rune, Interminable

Low above the moss
a sprig of scarlet berries
soon eaten or blackened
tells time.

            Go to a wedding
            as to a funeral:
            bury the loss.

            Go to a funeral
            as to a wedding:
            marry the loss.

            Go to a coming
            as to a going:

            Time is winter-green.
            Seeds keep time.
            Time, so kept, carries us
            across to no-time where

            no time is lost.

Excerpt from EASY © 2009 by Marie Ponsot.  Excerpted by permission of Alfred A. Knopf a division of Random House, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.

Click here to learn more about Marie Ponsot’s Easy.

Listen to Marie read “A Rune, Interminable.”